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Sisters sponsor 3D science models to their brothers and sisters at Netra Vidyalaya School in India


Updated: Jun 18, 2023

Just like the seedlings that grow into big plants and bear fruits and vegetables, we wish that the dreams of the kids at Netra Vidyalaya will also be successful and fruitful. We hope and pray that we get more of such opportunities to serve and contribute in the future. Once again, big thanks to VT Seva for all the support and encouragement throughout the project.

We are Aduri sisters - Meghana Aduri (7th grade) and Keerthana Aduri (4th grade) from Dallas, Texas. With the help, support and encouragement from VT Seva, we started the "Seedlings for Education" initiative in January 2021 with the goal of sponsoring 3D science models to our brothers and sisters at Netra Vidyalaya School in Vizag, AP, India.


After we came to know about the challenges faced by the students at Netra Vidyalaya in pursuing education in the field of sciences, we decided to do something from our part to help them. We discussed various options with our parents and came up with the idea of growing seedlings, esp Indian vegetable seedlings as many in the community take very good care of the vegetable plants that they grow every year and we related that to taking care of the needs of the kids. Seedlings for Education initiative would not only benefit in raising funds to sponsor the 3D models, but it will also encourage and help kids, volunteers and sponsors grow more plants which will have a positive impact on our environment.


We did not think that we were growing seedlings, but we considered each of the seed that we sowed as a dream and aspiration of the kids at Netra Vidyalaya and we have put in all our time and efforts to take utmost care of them. It was our first experience to grow seedlings, but the motivation behind the cause to help the kids inspired us to go ahead with this massive project. We had more than 100 volunteers registered for the initial phase when the initiative was announced, which was very encouraging and overwhelming.

We grew about 2000 seedlings in our house in 3 phases of 500, 1000 and 500 each. We talked to these seedlings daily, watered them and played music for them - just like a mother that takes care of her baby. We were amazed and excited to see how the seedlings responded and grew into healthy saplings within few weeks. At about 3 weeks’ time after sprouting, during the first week of March, we handed over these dreams and aspirations to the VT Seva Dallas volunteer coordinators who in turn distributed them to other volunteers, friends and family members so that they can take care of them and donate them to raise funds for the cause.

We are excited to inform that we far exceeded our own expectations for the first year of the initiative. We raised more than $5300 from the project and these funds would go a long way in providing the required 3D science models to the kids at Netra Vidyalaya.

Just like the seedlings that grow into big plants and bear fruits and vegetables, we wish that the dreams of the kids at Netra Vidyalaya will also be successful and fruitful. We hope and pray that we get more of such opportunities to serve and contribute in the future. Once again, big thanks to VT Seva for all the support and encouragement throughout the project.


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