Everyday, we text people because it is quick and easy, but sometimes, writing a letter can be more personal, allow for more depth of communication, and can have more formality. It is vital that we are connected with our loved ones, and we should make them feel appreciated whenever possible. To do this South Forsyth High School VT Seva, started a letter-writing activity that has helped teenagers connect with their loved ones on a deeper level. It was a fairly successful project and we observed that our volunteers were able to connect with their family and friends!
SFHS youth made book marks, kindness stones, and thank you cards in the month of November to celebrate and appreciate the hard work and support of teachers , and promote education and reading. They gave cards to healthcare workers, police officers, and fire fighters to thank them.

VT Seva Atlanta - South Forsyth High Nature write up
SFHS VT Seva's first project was the Nature Writeup in which our members wrote paragraphs about times when they helped nature, how nature has affected them, or simply about the beautiful aspects on nature. We chose this topic as we thought of the start of seasonal change in September, when the a light chill mixes with the air, the sky blue deepens in shade, and the leaves of the trees gradually turn orange and red. This beautiful nature compelled us to start this project and spread the knowledge and appreciation of nature to everyone around us. We had a total of 22 very well written responses, and we compiled them all into a portfolio named "The Canvas of Nature" to portray our members' creativity and inspiration from nature!

Club Initiation
South Forsyth Highschool is our 7th VT Seva youth Club in Atlanta. It is established on August 28, 2023. Please read the message below from our youth club President Nikhila, very inspirational
Hello everyone, my name is Nikhila Mannepalli, and I am the President of South Forsyth High School VT Seva Club! Our now VT Seva members including myself have been separately trying to start this VT Seva club since January of this year, long before any of us knew there were others trying to start the club. It was a difficult process at that time, as no teacher was willing to sponsor the club, we hardly had any members, and the process was very scattered and unorganized. Throughout those experiences, each one of us learned a lot individually about communication, teamwork, and taking initiative, and got together to form a new, bigger SFHS VT Seva group at the beginning of August. Soon enough, with proper communication, productive meetings, discussions, and good organization, we were able to successfully find a sponsor, submit an application, and get the club approved today! What was taking us months of time as we attempted to start the club separately took mere weeks when we all came together to be a team.