VT Seva Detroit 2021 year-end volunteering with
· The PinkList Org on November 18th,2021
· The Salvation Army on December 4th,2021.

VT Seva Detroit volunteers packed Pink Kits on November 18th, 2021 for ThePinkList org at Oasis Skin Studio towards Karmanos Cancer Institute, Michigan.
The Pink List is a nonprofit organization that provides resources to families affected by breast cancer, while further raising awareness around breast cancer. The PINK List is committed to sending chemotherapy care packages (Pink Kits) to Karmanos Cancer Institute for breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy, including 50 patients at the Karmanos Cancer Institute. Each Pink Kit includes Pink fuzzy socks; Unscented moisturizer; Lip balm; Pink journal and pen; Herbal tea bags and a letter of hope. Oasis Skin Studio hosted The Pink List Packing event in their studio.
VT Seva Detroit got an opportunity to help them pack these kits and sort out their kits as per their instructions & we were able to pack 46 kits overall in an hour. Lending support is great, but cancer patients can also benefit from positive messages. Our youth volunteers also wrote kind letters of encouragement, inspirational things for these cancer patients. We hope their words of hope motivate them to get through another day of their hospital treatments and bring some smiles to their faces.
There were 8 volunteers who spent their time and helped them. These are our wonderful volunteers who participated.
Youth Volunteers: Sidharth, Satvik, Shruthi, Rishi
Adult Volunteers: Priya, Asha, Durga and Vanitha
We are also looking forward to providing our support in 2022 as well.
Please do find our Facebook post for pictures and other details:
ThePinkList Appreciation Letter is below:

VTS Detroit Volunteers packed Toys on DEC 4th 2021 for Salvation Army Angel Tree Program at Farmington Hills
Salvation Army provides new clothes and new toys to more than 1 million children in need through their Angel Tree Program. Walmart and The Salvation Army are joining to help millions of children. Once the gifts are received, The Salvation Army will distribute them to families in need for Christmas morning. To make that happen, they were in need of lots of volunteers to help them accomplish their huge tasks. We took that Wishlist that was being sent by many children who are in need of gifts for this Christmas, each of those was categorized into a different age, gender. We sorted & organized those gifts into respective age categories and then finally packed them into those big red bags from the Salvation army. More than 150 families are registered with Salvation Army Farmington Hills who are under the poverty line and in need of big support.
There were 10 volunteers who spent their time and helped them. These are our wonderful volunteers who participated.
Youth volunteers: Advaith S; Abhinav S; Adithya S; Nitya S; Ananya S; Kushal; Srivatsa T; Akshay K
Adult volunteers: Rajesh; Vanitha
Please find below the photo compilation video:
Please find below appreciation video message from Mrs. Karen Kumar
Please find below the Facebook post link:
VT Seva Detroit sincerely thank each one of our volunteer’s valuable time and special appreciation to Salvation Army Coordinator Mrs. Karen Kumar & Lieutenant Mr. Anil Kumar Corps officer at Salvation Army Farmington Hills for giving us this wonderful opportunity to serve them. We are looking forward to many more opportunities in 2022 as well.