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VT Seva Detroit: Mailing Supplies Project to help Penrickton Center for Blind Children (REMOTE)

Penrickton Center is a private non-profit organization that provides care and support to blind, multi-disabled children and their families. Penrickton Center for Blind Children provides services to families at no charge and relies entirely on donations from the community. Throughout the year Penrickton Center sends out requests for donations, and invitations to raise funds. VT Seva Detroit volunteers got this opportunity to help them assemble their Mailing Supplies items in envelopes as per their directions for their fundraising purposes.


Timeline: May 1st, 2021 to June 5th, 2021 Items Delivered: June 6th, 2021

We received 20 signups within an hour of project release in groups. The mailing supplies were picked up from the Penrickton Center, sorted, and organized as 20 kits with 250 counts of each item.

The kits were later distributed to volunteers to do at their homes and then to be dropped off before June 5th, 2021. We had 20 youth volunteers who participated in this remote volunteering project. Each volunteer assembled perfectly 250 envelopes with those mailing supplies items provided.

On the whole, we delivered around 5000 envelopes in this first batch of our Mailing Supplies Project to Penrickton Center for Blind Children. We received lots of appreciations from the Penrickton Center coordinators for this great help by our volunteers since it saves a lot of their time in doing this task before proceeding to their next step of sending these mails to all their donors.

Youth volunteers who participated:

Aarush Arun; Abhinav Suresh; Ananya Ramanan; Harish Jaishankar ;Ish Niranjan Patel; Ishani; Kaavya Karnati; Karthik Tilak ;Likitha Gidijala;Nikhil Aerabati; Oviya Jaishankar;Rishi Adduri;Rohan Patil; Sai Sahasra; Sai Karnati ;Saisha Srivatsan;Shreya Srivatsan;Shruthi Adduri; Siddharth Tirumala Kanduri;Tarun Rajesh

This project was so successful & liked by our Volunteers that many wanted to do more of the mailing supplies. Hence we have brought in the second batch of the supplies from Penrickton Center and we will be executing that as our next remote project for Penrickton Center.

SECOND BATCH MAILING SUPPLIES PROJECT Timeline: June 11, 2021 to July 2nd, 2021

After successful completion of the FIRST BATCH of Mailing Supplies Project, we are ready to go with our SECOND BATCH Mailing Supplies Project. The mailing supplies were picked up from the center on June 6th, 2021.

15 volunteers have already signed up for this second batch project. The supplies will be sorted, organized and will be available as kits to be picked up from our volunteer coordinator residence in Novi. The project will kick off on June 11 and July 2nd will be the due date for kits to be dropped off.

You may check out this 'How To' YouTube Video Link to know how to assemble those mailing supplies items in the envelope.

Volunteering credit hours about this project (FOR YOUTH ONLY): -> Every kit will have 250 items each within the mailing supplies -> It takes approximately 2.5 hours to assemble 250 envelopes, so the Volunteering Credit hours will be rounded off to 3 hours for completing 250 envelopes. For any further questions, contact: Vanitha @ 248-227-3094 (or) Srinath @ 949-232-9477

Please visit VT Seva Detroit Facebook page to view more details.

THIRD BATCH MAILING SUPPLIES PROJECT Timeline: June 26, 2021, to July 17, 2021

Due to the popularity of this remote project, we reached out to Penrickton for our Third Batch to do more help for them in assembling their mailing supplies. They were kind enough to give more kits for our volunteers to help them. The supplies were picked up on June 24th from Penrickton; the items are sorted and organized as 18 kits ready to be distributed to volunteers. Whoever interested kindly please signup the form and schedule your date and time to pick up the kit from

Vanitha @ 248-227-3094 at the earliest. NOTE: This signup is only for those volunteers who missed participating in our previous mailing supplies project.

You may check out this 'How To' YouTube Video Link to know how to assemble those mailing supplies items in the envelope.

Volunteering credit hours about this project (FOR YOUTH ONLY): -> Every kit will have 250 items each within the mailing supplies -> It takes approximately 2.5 hours to assemble 250 envelopes, so the Volunteering Credit hours will be rounded off to 3 hours for completing 250 envelopes. For any further questions, contact:

Vanitha @ 248-227-3094 (or) Srinath @ 949-232-9477



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