“Good communication is the bridge between confusion and clarity – Nat Turner”

With thorough preparation and practice, one can build good communication skills. VT Seva Detroit provided a great workshop for our youths to enhance their public speaking skills with the guidance of the Distinguished Toastmaster, Mr. Raju Brahmandhabheri.

Mr. Brahmandhabheri is passionate about public speaking and communication skills and has been a Toastmaster (a platform to improve public speaking and leadership skills) for the last 8 years where he achieved the Distinguished Toastmaster’s Award - the highest educational award in the Toastmasters program. By profession, he is an electrical engineer and has been working in the utility industry for the past 18 years. He is currently working as an Engineering Manager at ITC Holdings Corp., Novi, Michigan. He has a Master's Degree in Electrical Engineering from Mississippi State University and teaches Electrical Engineering at Lawrence Tech University on a part-time basis as he passionate about teaching. He is a mentor for the high school students to coach/advise/prepare them for the annual Leadership Speech Contest hosted by the National Management Association (NMA). In April this year, he led the efforts to create a new corporate Toastmasters club at his workplace, ITC and continues to mentor the new club. He is one of the founders, past president, and current board member of the Detroit Telangana Community (DTC).
On March 12, 2022, 54 youths attended our online workshop and learned amazing tips and tricks from this Toastmaster. It was a great experience with an interactive session. Public speaking techniques were shared with the youths. Youths were preparing their speeches with the techniques they learned in the workshop and presented their prepared speeches on March 19, 2022.

On March 19, 2022, youths' speeches were evaluated by 3 wonderful judges Mr. Raju Brahmandhabheri, Alison Jolliff & Raghuram Samudrala.

Alison Jollif is originally from England and has been in the US for 10 years. She became a Toastmaster two years ago and is now President of the Novi Toastmasters club. Prior to joining Toastmasters Inter-national, Alison studied to achieve a Master's degree in training and organizational development, and she currently works as a tutor.

Raghuram Samudrala lives in the Suburbs of Boston-MA. He works as Sr. Manager for
Boston Scientific is a Medical Device Company. He is been part of the VT Seva Boston Chapter for over a decade. VTSeva helped him embody the true value of service. Involved in various service activities thru VTSeva including Public Speaking Competitions, Cancer Awareness Wlakthons, Health Camps in India, Bloom Fundraiser Events for Visually Challenged Students & Service at Soup Kitchens. He carried these same values to champion a series of health camps in India thru Boston Scientific making a positive impact on over 3000 primary school children. Every year this program is growing leaps and bounds.
Priya & Architha welcomed the facilitator & judges and went over the rules of the workshop.
VTSeva Detroit Director Srinath & VTSeva National Secretary Sudheer explained about VT Seva, Nethra Vidyalaya Schools & Tribal Schools.
Thanks to Chandrasekar for sponsoring the workshop.
Public Speaking Committee:
Priya , Archita, Srinath & Sudheer
Blog written by: Priya Jaisankar
Blog posted by: Nandini Cheemalamarri (VTSeva Detroit Communications)