June 1st - July 31st, 2024

“If we want to reach real peace in this world, we should start educating children" -Mahatma Gandhi. VT SEVA Atlanta Team has launched Summer Camp 2024 on June 1st. There is a Triple Bottomline purpose behind this camp:
A. To productively engage our children during summer time in learning various science and art skills.
B. To provide an opportunity for our VT Atlanta youths to become tutors and enhance their communication and leadership skills.
C. To raise funds for the Visually Challenged kids of Nethra Vidyalaya India.
Please make sure to review the waiver form listed above, before clicking here to enroll in the VT Seva Summer Camp:

VT Seva Atlanta team is gearing up for the Summer Camp Graduation Ceremony Aug 26th. This year Atlanta youths volunteered in 2 online Summer Camps from June 1st to July 31st, 2023.
In the Laurel Heights Summer Camp, our youths taught online Elementary class (Math & ELA) and Fitness class (Taekwando and dance) to the Special Needs kids of the Laurel heights hospital who came to the hospital for their treatment during summer months. Our youths did a fantastic job in cheering them up, brining positivity, and helping them learn something new while going through the treatment process.
In VT Seva Summer Camp for Atlanta children, our youths also did a fantastic job and we got appreciation from many parents that they have not seen a summer camp like this before and will definitely spread the word out about it & register their kids in 2024 VT Seva summer camp.
Highlights of the camp are below:
More than 150 students registered in the summer camp.
Atlanta Youths taught
Elementary Classes - Chess, Art, Robotics, Math, ELA, Dance, and Taekwondo
Advance Classes - Web Design, App Building, Advance Robotics, Advance Art, Advance Dance, Python, and Business Entrepreneurship.
More than 50 youths wore tutor hats and learned how to effectively communicate & deliver the lessons.
Raised more than 18k for the blind/ visually challenged kids of Nethra Vidyalaya.
Glimpse of Summer Camp 2023
Some pics of Elementary Classes
Laurel Heights Hospital CEO & his team of Directors are coming forward to appreciate the hard work of our Atlanta youths and provide token of appreciation to them in tomorrow’s graduation ceremony. It’s a gratifying experience for Atlanta team to successfully execute 2023 VT Seva Summer Camp this year!
Some pics of Advanced Classes
Below is information and flyer about VT Seva Summer Camp 2023

VT Seva Atlanta launches Summer Camp on June 1st 2023. All sessions are online so anybody can attend from anywhere in US.
Participant can select any or all classes either from Elementary Group or Middle / Highschool Group. There is 1 time Registration fees of $125 for 8 weeks Summer Camp. All proceeds collected will go to the EDUCATION OF VISUALLY CHALLENGED / BLIND kids in India. Please share this information with your friends and family members so maximum children can take advantage of it.
We are flexible as far as class timing is concerned. Summer camp orientation will be on May 28th 2023, we’ll have orientation session for each class with their adult mentors, youth tutors, and students to decide the timing of the class using est, cst, and pst time zones. Thanks for registering your child in VT Seva Summer camp 2023.
We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. --Winston Churchill
VT SEVA Atlanta Team has launched Summer Camp 2022 on June 4th. The is Triple Bottomline purpose behind this camp - A. To productively engage our children during summer time in learning various science and art skills, B. To provide opportunity to our VT Atlanta youths to become tutor and enhance their communication and leadership skills, and C. To raise funds for the Visually Challenged kids of Nethra Vidyalaya India.
Highlights of VT Seva Summer Camp 2022:
1. Total 57 students registered in the Summer Camp for Elementary, Middle, and Highschool classes. We raised $7,125 (57*125) for the visually challenged of the Nethra kids with His Grace.
2. This summer camp is youth-led in which more than 30 Highschool youths are delivering lessons with the back-support of Certified Instructors and SMEs as their mentors.
3. Subjects taught:
For Elementary schoolers – A. Math B. ELA C. Art D. Dance
For Middle & High schoolers – A. Python B. Web Design & Cyber Security C. App Building D. Advance Art
4. Summer Camp Kickoff with Hands-on CPR on June 4th, 2022, in which more than 40 youths learned how to do CPR effectively.
5. Update on Elementary, Middle, and Highschool Summer Classes:
Elementary Classes Update -
a. Math & ELA: Total 36 students were registered for these classes with 24 youth tutors. We ran 90 sessions of 45 mins every week for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades. We have 3 Mentors to back support our youths. Sheet
b. Art: We have 36 students in the class. This class is once a week in which students learn the fundamental elements of art – line, form, shape, value, color, and texture. They use watercolors and card stock paper for their art creations. All students made loving, caring cards on Father’s Day, June 19th which was highly appreciated by all. They are learning how to make flowers with paper and various other craft items. We have 2 youth tutors and 1 mentor.
c. Dance: We have 30 students and 1 youth tutor, and 1 mentor. All students are split in 2 groups and each group learn 1 dance every week. It’s a good physical exercise for the children. Each week they are learning new dance and are truly enjoying dance classes.
Middle and Highschool Classes Update -
a. Python: We have 22 students registered for this class. In this class, students are learning to identify, interpret, and apply core programming building blocks in Python code, use algorithmic thinking to breakup problems into smaller pieces and solve each piece individually, recognize and apply best industry practices for program, and interpret, use, and build on existing code and Python libraries. It’s a weekly class and class notes, and recording are shared with all after the class. We have 2 youth tutors and 1 mentor.
b. Web Design & Cyber Security: We have 22 students registered for this class. This course is designed to provide students with an introduction to HTML and CSS used in designing and creating web pages. Students will have a complete and wide array of customization freedom in the creation of their own web pages. The class also stresses on cybersecurity theory and the tools needed to plan and carry-out strategic cybersecurity defensive tactics. Class notes and recording are shared with all after the class. It’s a weekly class which is led by 2 youth tutors and 1 mentor.
c. Art: This is our Advance Art class in which we have 22 students. These online art classes provide instruction on everything from simple craft project like making cards of Father’s Day on June 19th to intermediate activities like acrylic painting, canvas painting, making flower bouquet, pot painting, and much more. It’s a weekly class led by 1 mentor.
d. APP Building:
Overall, VT Seva youths are delivering excellent lessons to engage our children productively during summertime. Summer is a great time to give back to the community. According to Maya Angelou, "People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you make them feel". It’s the feeling of empathy and love that Atlanta VT youths are proliferating and multiplying through this VT Seva Summer Camp in Atlanta.